Where I am from

Where I’m From

I am from a State, a city and a zip code, 68434.  

From the  “Go Big Red” State of Nebraska.  

Where the corn strives to reach heaven, and later becomes buried under winter’s cocoon. 

I am from Seward, the city that brings you the small-town barbecue smell. I am from the friendly hello’s that ricochet off The Bakery, to JD’s Coffee Shop and around the Rivoli Movie Theater.  I am from four season  blended into one, and then some.

 Form winter in April, and August so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. 

I am from driving down with 15 different names & opinions. From 13 hours in a car and  Rest ares not recommended. I am from Micky Mouse and Donald Duck. From talking fish and magic carpet rides. I am from watching the fireworks by the castle to running to the bus as the rain splatters on our sunburned faces.  I am from “Dreams do come true” and “Remember the Magic” .

I am from brown bobbed hair, a lightly freckled face and a few scars. 

Scars that were Have To’s and some that were Want Nots. 

From titanium rods and 8 screws fused with my spine.

 I am from scars of death, when life stopped to soon.  

I am from a summer where we buried our love and wiped the tears of the young. 

I am from inside my head. Where my pencil and imagination takes me away from ink splattered reality. I am from binoculars that allow me to see the happiness in the world. 

I am from shimmering sparkled silver and glittery gold. From cheetah spots and zebra strips. I am from purple frills to neon fringe. 

I am from my family, and a life I couldn’t trade for anything.

From opposite attract parents and siblings who act like monkeys. 

From hammers and thread, needles and nails. 

I am from my grandpa’s work ethic to my grandma’s sweet tooth. 

I am from Christmas fudge and sugar cookies. From gingerbread men and frosted snowmen. From chocolate covered walnuts and candied pecans.  I am from Hot Chocolate winters and Coca-Cola summers. I am from Regular Runza’s, Dairy Queen Oreo Blizzards and Pizza Hut Pasta. 

I am from a home away from home. 

Where the trees keep us hidden, and hold the love by the lake. 

I am from summer splashes that bring smiles to the oldest of people. 

I am from cheeseburgers  on the grill to ice cream sundaes galore. 

I am from the ice castle it transforms into by December. Where the snowflakes are light enough to catch in your mouth. I am from when the lake freezes and there is a bite in the air yet taunts you out to skate. 

I am from high and low, wide and thin gravel roads, covered in snow.  I am from snow pants, red scarfs, hand-me down boots and over-sized coats. When we race out to the roads with our sleds.  Waiting for the signal and flying through the air, trying to beat the opponent. 

I am from Lake Superior bordered by Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and Canada, eh? 

I am from memories captured under the dark night sky, huddled together by the fire.     

I am from God’s art work displayed in the most simplest of forms.  

Where the rocks and trees intertwined and the water falls pour out his majesty.  

Where frowns turn upside down with french toast and bacon. When the time of life seems to freeze and the memories slow down. 

 I am from hopping  across slippery, water splashed stones and feeling safe when my grandpa’s hands capture my own and lead me to the solid ground. 

I am from Christ. I am from sin by birth and the gift of life. I am from a King.

 A King who paints the the sky by morning and lets the stars twinkle at night. 

I am from a past  from whichI still have to learn.  A past with, “Life ins’t fair but God is good.” 

I am from a present. Dancing through the hard times, and enjoying  the good times like a child waiting for Christmas. 

I am from a future I have yet to see. Hoping it is as wonderful as inside my head. 

Listening to my heart with God as my path. 


(Beautiful) Melody

Laughter with friends


Memories by families

Beautiful melody capturing


Red, blue, pink and purple hum against the winds flight.

Raindrops soak in the ink smudge sadness and the sun dries us clean. 


Beautiful melody delights in mystery

Whispers from the stars


Secrets cowes under the moon

Crickets lullaby ‘Good night’. 


God’s creation in full design

Beautiful Melody