untouched by this world

we pride ourselves in saying that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.

we cling to this strength, right up to the edge, but then we avert back to fear.

we gladly accept the gloomy cloud of desperation that says, you can’t do this.

we believe it’s a safer bet, or an easier life to accept, a path that God

                                                                                                  in our small and foolish mind,

                                                                                                                  doesn’t know as well as us.

we easily, with no questions asked, no red flags present; accept fear.

All while God is waiting on the other side of the cliff,

patient to our struggle of taking a leap.

we worry and stop trusting, that God hasn’t already thought through the obstacles we could  face and the unfamiliar characters we could meet.

we forget that the God of the universe

                                                 who puts precise details into each and every snowflake,

                                                                                                                 each time the snow falls

                                                                                                                    wouldn’t take the time

                                                                                                                   to plan out each step of

                                                                                                                                             our journey.

And still He stands, arms out, full of grace.

How much more foolish can we be?


Fear is a trigger-happy defense that

Satan attacks us with and to

his joy,

we easily accept, without a mere fight.


And when we have lost sight of God,

too consumed with the fear we assumed would keep us safe,

He crosses the cliff,

takes us in his arms,

and carries us home.

That is a love untouched by this world.